Winter tires, also called snow tires, offer huge benefits even when there is no snow. In and Out Tires can help you decide what tire is best for you and your car.
When you’re a kid, the joys of snow and cold weather winter fun seem never ending. But when you become an adult, the appeal of winter weather can wear off quickly. Especially if you have to do a lot of driving on roads that are slick from ice and/or snow. If you don’t like driving in the cold, ice, or snow, you’re not alone.
But you can make it easier on yourself with the right tire on your car or truck. In this case, the right tire is a winter tire, or, as some call them, snow tires. They’re good for cold weather, even if there is no snow.
“Winter tires are designed with unique features which allow them to perform significantly better than all-season tires,” says. says winter tires offer these benefits:
- “Provide more flexibility. Extremely cold temperatures cause the tread rubber on all-season tires to harden which reduces their ability to grip the road. Winter tires are more flexible allowing them more grip.
- “Offer exceptional traction. Different tread designs allow them to push snow outward avoiding snow buildup. While many people believe all-wheel or four-wheel drive is necessary to survive winter, winter tires hold their own and are a cheaper alternative.
- “Offer better steering and braking. The flexibility and softness of winter tires create better grip which prevents the tires from sliding over a slippery surface.
- “Reduce hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is a function of speed, inadequate tire tread, and standing water. Hydroplaning occurs when water on the road causes your tires to lose contact with the road.”
If you’re wondering what winter tire is best for you, your car or truck, or the type of driving you do, your best bet is to talk with the Millsboro tire experts at In and Out Tires.
In and Out Tire Pros is a local, family owned auto care and auto repair service center that Bill and Rita Schrider have built into the top, trusted auto repair, auto care, and auto accessories service center in Millsboro. We are dedicated to giving you the very best auto repair and auto care service, with a focus on upfront and honest quotes, timely response to issues, and quality products and parts.
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