A Spa Day for Your Vehicle: The Best Reason for a Radiator Flush As we start 2025 here in Millsboro, many of us start to think of New Year's resolutions. And, because we depend on our cars and trucks to get around, including vehicle care in our resolutions is always...
Why Regular AC Maintenance is Totally Cool (and Important).
Why Regular Vehicle AC Maintenance Is Essential During the Summer The humidity will start to climb as we head into this weekend. And a shift off the coast and will allow temperatures to climb up into the 80s for Saturday and Sunday and with lots of sunshine. So, as this...
Why a Well Running Vehicle is Essential for Back to School
Getting Your Vehicle in Top Shape for the Back-to-School Season: Why It’s Essential In preparation for the 2024 school year, Sussex Central High School has expanded to address overcrowding. And this is an example of being prepared as the back-to-school season approaches. Because, while school supplies, new clothes, and organizing schedules...
Beat the Heat: The Best Advice for Fixing a Broken Car AC
Troubleshooting a Broken Car Air Conditioner Summer is here in Millsboro! And while it has not been as hot as in other parts of the country, this is not the season where you'd want your vehicle's A/C being on the fritz. Because a malfunctioning car air conditioner can turn a...
What’s That Light on Your Dash Mean? What You Need to Know
Understanding Your Dashboard Indicator Lights: A Comprehensive Guide Picture this: You were driving back from the Millsboro Dog Park when a light on your dashboard suddenly lit up. And though it's icon seemed fairly obvious, still you weren't 100% sure what it might mean. The lights on your dashboard serve...
The Best Way to Help Your Car Survive the Heat
How Hot Weather Affects Your Car and How to Protect Your Vehicle from Extreme Heat The summer sizzle continues this week here in Millsboro as the hot and humid weather continues throughout the week. And with this summer warmth, car and truck owners are introduced to several challenges as the heat...
What You Need to Know About Your Vehicle’s Water Pump
Your Vehicle's Water Pump: What It Does, Why It’s Important, and How to Maintain It There are many important parts that allow your vehicle to operate at its best. And, as we here in Millsboro, are on track for a hot week coming up, it's a good time to discuss...
What You Need to Know About Revving Your Car’s Engine
The Hidden Costs of Revving Your Engine: Why It's Not as Cool as It Seems Concerts In the Park starts this June at Cupola Park in Downtown Millsboro. And it's a cool way to spend the evening. Of course, we love "cool", and what is more cool than pulling up...
What You Need to Know About the Benefits of a Radiator Flush
Understanding Radiator Flush: Importance and Benefits An early morning fire broke out at a home in Millsboro earlier this week. Luckily, no one was hurt. But, this was a reminder of the important of good maintenance to prevent future disasters. And as car owners, we often hear about the importance...
My Oil Is Over-Flowing. Now What? | Oil Change Millsboro
An oil excess can do as much damage to your engine as the failure to routinely change oil. You decided to get away from the holiday madness at home by taking a walk along Lewes Beach. And, you were basking in the thrill that Santa Claus had done well. Even more,...