You can save gas by watching how you drive and by making sure your car is in top shape. The auto care and repair specialists at In and Out Tires can help you with that!
With the weather getting better, you were planning on hopping in the car and taking a long weekend road trip to White Clay Creek State Park. But that was before gas prices began going up and up. Now, you’re hesitant to even go to the grocery store muchless make any unnecessary trips.
Deciding to drive fewer miles will certainly help save on gas. But that’s not the only way to save on gas – watching how you drive and making sure your car is correctly tuned and running at peak performance will also help, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The EPA offers these tips to improve your driving efficiency: drive sensibly, not aggressively; stay within the speed limit; don’t haul items on the roof; remove excess weight; doShare Nown’t idle; and use cruise control if you have it.
The EPA offers these tips for keeping your car in shape: Make sure your engine is properly tuned and repaired; keep your tires properly inflated; and use the recommended grade of oil. If your air filter is clogged, changing it will improve your car’s performance but has no effect on miles per gallon.
The EPA says, “Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent, though results vary based on the kind of repair and how well it is done. Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.”
If you’re looking for a trusted, top-notch mechanic, look no further than the Millsboro auto care technicians at In and Out Tires.
In and Out Tire Pros is a local, family owned auto care and auto repair service center that Bill and Rita Schrider have built into the top, trusted auto repair, auto care, and auto accessories service center in Millsboro. We are dedicated to giving you the very best auto repair and auto care service, with a focus on upfront and honest quotes, timely response to issues, and quality products and parts.
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