Winter’s Coming, Time for Auto Care | Millsboro Auto Care

The end of summer is a perfect time to prepare your car for the cold weather ahead. This has been a record-breaking week when it comes to weather across the midwestern portion of the nation. An "unprecedented cold front" pushed winter weather into the area, resulting in low temperatures and...

Planning a Labor Day Road Trip? | Millsboro Auto Care

If you’re planning even a short trip for the upcoming Labor Day weekend, make sure your car is ready. Typically at this time of year, hundreds of thousands of people are making plans for a Labor Day getaway. But although people are tired of being locked up because of the...

Is It Time for a Tune Up? | Millsboro Auto Care

Regular, preventive auto care will keep your car functioning at peak performance. If you happen to forget, or delay, scheduled maintenance, your car might remind you by breaking down. One of the most irritating things in life is to get into your car and find that it's hard to start....

Make Your Car Last | Millsboro Auto Care

Regular preventive care, especially regular oil changes, will help keep your car on the road for many years. According to a market survey released this week, drivers are hanging onto their cars for more years. The survey says that the average age of a car is 11.9 years and that...

Are Oil Changes Really Necessary? | Millsboro Auto Care

Making sure you change the oil in your car regularly is your best game plan to keep your car’s engine healthy and running for a long time. You were headed home yesterday after a round of golf when you noticed your oil change light had come on. Your first reaction...

Thinking of Taking a Road Trip? | Millsboro Auto Care

Don’t forget spring car care, especially if you’re planning a road trip. While we were hunkered down at home because of COVID-19, spring came and now it's almost gone. Summer will officially be here later this month. That's the cue for many people to hit the road, whether it's a...

Fluid Leak | Millsboro Auto Care

If your car or truck has a leak, you need to see one of the certified auto care experts at In and Out Tires. You were headed out this morning to the grocery store. As you pulled out of your driveway, you noticed a puddle. Some kind of fluid had...

Burning Oil | Millsboro Auto Care

As an essential business, In and Out Tires is open to provide auto care and auto repair. In and Out is here to help you. After a couple of weeks under the governor’s stay-at-home order, you’d gotten tired of getting exercise by walking around the neighborhood and decided to drive...

Do I Really Need to Have My Oil Changed? | Millsboro Auto Care

If it’s time – or past time – to change your oil, drop in to see the Millsboro auto care technicians at In and Out Tires for help. You spent part of the morning wandering around Cupola Park. It was very peaceful, but when you got back in your car,...

Is Synthetic or Regular Oil Better for My Car? | Millsboro Auto Care

If you're not sure whether to us synthetic or regular oil in your car, ask the Millsboro auto care experts at In and Out Tires. They can help you decide what's best. You took a long walk this morning at the Okie Preserve. On your way home, you noticed the...