Is Your Car Ready to Stop? | Millsboro Auto Repair

In and Out Tires can help keep your brakes in top condition so they’re ready to stop when you need them. You’re planning on heading to Long Neck today for a relaxing walk. But, even though Long Neck isn't far, you are a bit concerned about your car. Like many...

Hot Summertime Temperatures Are on the Way | Millsboro Auto Care

In and Out Tires will help you if your auto air conditioner won't cool your car. Summer will officially arrive Sunday (June 20), which comes as no news considering Millsboro's temperatures. They've been in the 80s and are expected to reach the 90s by the end of the week - a...

High Oil Pressure | Millsboro Auto Care

If your car’s oil pressure light registers high, call In and Out Tires  asap for help before your engine suffers damage. You were returning from work yesterday when you noticed that one of your dashboard lights had come on indicating that your oil pressure was too high. Thankfully, you were...

Rough While Idling | Millsboro Auto Repair

A rough-idling car is sending you a message that something could be seriously wrong with the engine. In and Out TIres can help you track down the problem and get it fixed. You were sitting in a long line this morning, waiting to place your order for a vente caramel...

Filter Out the Bad | Millsboro Auto Care

Almost every car has at least four filters. Replacing them when needed is an easy way to help keep your car running smoothly. You were on your way home from a Mother’s Day lunch outing when you began smelling fuel. You checked for leaks and such when you got home...

Something Doesn’t Smell Right | Millsboro Auto Care

Sometimes, a funny smell is the first indication of car trouble. In and Out Tires can help you track down the problem and get it fixed. Just when you thought spring had arrived, a cold snap has turned those warm days chilly again. But the cooler weather is only temporary,...

Spring Time Is Auto Care Time | Millsboro Auto Care

Winter is hard on cars. The first few days of spring are a good time to check out your car to make sure it’s ready for the summertime. In and Out Tires can help you with that. Now that the weather is improving, you’re eager to get out and about....

Haven’t Been Driving as Much? | Millsboro Auto Care

Don't neglect auto care just because you haven’t been driving your car as much as usual during the past year. The weather is turning nice after a harsh winter. You’re planning to take advantage of it by getting in 18 holes of golf. Between the harsh winter weather and the...

Did You Remember to Spring Ahead? | Millsboro Auto Care

The changeover to daylight saving time is a signal that spring is almost here. Time to make sure your car is ready for the warmer weather and spring road trips ahead. Some of us are still tired and a bit disoriented from last weekend's time change to daylight saving time....

Pressure Check | Millsboro Tires

Checking your tire pressure is a little thing, but failing to do it can have big consequences. For tire care, tire repair, or tire replacement, see the Millsboro tire pros at In and Out Tires. When you started your car on the way home from Cupola Park the other day,...